BioTech Company for Medical and Laboratory Equipment: BioTech Company for Medical and Laboratory Equipment is the first company specialized in the production of the systems of laboratories and the scientific research is being established in 2002 AD at Egypt under the Investment Law no. 8 to year 1997 AD. we thanks God in those few years we acquired the consumers confidence an entirely and our agents specially in the Arab and local market. in the Egyptian market and from Cairo where the company headquarters was the beginning with the choice of some companies that trusts in its secretariat and its desire in that the good Egyptian product takes its real position into the market, then thank God this place not enough for mentioning the agents that spread all over Egypt from Alexandria to Aswan and from Al-Arish to Al-Wadi Al-Jadid. as for the Arab market the direct export has taken place from our factories to the brother Republic of Yemen, and non- direct export through our agents to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Libyan republic, and this as a beginning for the export to rest of the Arab countries and the African ones. Products: the company produce the gases suction systems - a Laminar flow - laboratory incubators- sterilization ovens - digestion systems and distillation - fats estimation systems - mechanical stirrer –magnetic stirrer - hot plates - water baths – shakers – shaker incubator – shaker water bath – centrifuge - waters treatment systems – shot incinerator