Moderna Trähus i Norden

We love wood and therefore we have more wood in our houses than most people on the market. Many ask why, but for us it is simple: All other materials are inferior to pure wood. Wood is part of nature's cycle, it is strong, sound-absorbing, and contains no binders, adhesives or other chemicals. In addition, no energy is required that emits carbon dioxide during production, on the contrary, wood binds large amounts of carbon dioxide during its growth. What other material does it do? When you enter a Modern Wooden House, you feel the difference: It smells like wood, the houses feel heavier, quieter and more solid. As they were built before, we often hear. At the same time, we are interested in technology, low energy consumption and making as little impact on the environment as possible throughout the life of the house. This in combination with high craftsmanship and interest in design and architecture means that we build unique houses, whether it is in classic Swedish courtyard style or strictly modern. And always as a low-energy house. Simply Modern Wooden House.

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