Algeria Electrification

The company Electrification of Algeria, AL ELEC is a joint stock company (SPA) with a capital of 1570.1 Million dinars resulting from the restructuring of ENEL. AL ELEC has capitalized on more than 50 years of know-how in the field of electrification which allows it to have the total confidence of its main customers such as SONATRACH and SONELGAZ and their respective partners: ABB, ANADARKO, AGIP, BECHTEL , BRC, ENEL.POWER, KEC, REPSOL, VATECH, etc. …. The main mission of AL ELEC is to provide full support in terms of studies, supplies and realization of the various electrical services, namely: The construction of high voltage overhead power lines for the transmission of electrical energy (400KV -220KV); Construction of medium and low voltage MV / LV electrical distribution networks; The assembly of HV / MV / LV transformer substations; Lighting of traffic lanes, highways, amusement parks, monuments, historical sites, etc. Lighting of stadiums by high poles; Lighting of supermarkets: ports, airports, stations etc ... Maintenance of overhead lines and underground links; Maintenance of HV / MV, MV / LV electrical energy transformer stations. AL ELEC CERTIFIED COMPANY: AL ELEC obtained certification of its quality management system according to the ISO 9001/2000 standard by the AFAQ organization in January 2004. Since 2012 AL ELEC has implemented the integrated management system according to the references: ISO 9001 VERSION 2015. ISO 14001 VERSION 2004. OHSAS 18001 VERSION 2007. Our company has human and material resources allowing it to take charge of these projects, its resources are: A design office; Qualified and specialized workforce; Means of realization: Bucket trucks All-terrain vehicle Trucks Large tonnage crane for lifting large masts Specific tools Measuring equipment At the level of AL ELEC, we consider our employees as one of our main assets, by joining us, we offer you the learning of a profession, the means to succeed and support to create a lasting bond, the sharing of values ​​and a common culture, through the various structures at their disposal. We are at your entire disposal to carry out any transaction that you choose to entrust to us. In the hope of securing your attention, please accept the assurance of our highest consideration. Very respectfully

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