
FIRST BOTTLED WATER COMPANY CERTIFIED BY AENOR AGAINST CORONAVIRUS The AENOR certificate is an external endorsement of the effectiveness of the protocols that Aquaservice is developing against the coronavirus. A quality seal that is applied to the production centers of our springs and to all our delegations. In this way we guarantee that our security protocols are effective and act both at origin and at delivery. YOUR INTEGRAL PROVIDER OF MINERAL WATER AND REFRESHING DRINK Since we were born in 1997, we are the leading company in the distribution of natural mineral water and a refreshing drink , with a dispenser, in Spain. A service that we offer to more than 350,000 clients , both in companies and homes; which leads us to hydrate more than one and a half million users a day. Concerned about offering you the highest quality, we have ISO 9001 certificates and we belong to the most important organizations in the bottled water distribution sector in Europe (WE: Watercoolers Europe) and in Spain (ADEAC) . MORE THAN 1,700 PEOPLE WORKING FOR YOU At Aquaservice we have a single objective: to offer you the best mineral water service at home and a refreshing drink in Spain. To achieve this, more than 1,700 people work, day by day, under the Aquaservice values ​​that identify us: improvement, efficiency, innovation, excellence, family, team and attitude. SUSTAINABILITY At Aquaservice we believe that your will is not enough to take care of the environment. You need a real commitment, worked every day. We are proud to share all the plans and actions that we manage to be truly sustainable. Discover them: SustainabilitySustainabilitySustainabilitySustainability Circular economy We are committed to the sustainable use of resources. Sustainable bottles With which we comply with the rule of the 3Rs: We reduce. We reuse. We recycle. Minibox We collect your empty minis to guarantee their recycling. Paper cups We substitute plastic cups for recyclable and reusable paper units. Hybrid fleet The largest fleet of hybrid delivery vehicles in Spain. Clean energy From sustainable sources and that makes all our centers work. UTZ stamp That guarantees the sustainable development of coffee plantations. UN Sustainability Committed to achieving the 17 UN goals for a sustainable world.

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