European Steel Group is a purchasing group operating in the steel industry with a wide portfolio of clients from the European market. Our suppliers are mills and trading companies from all over the world. We work only with proven and reliable partners, thanks to which we guarantee high quality products and uninterrupted logistics of deliveries. Our strength is an experienced and competent team that is responsible for selecting suppliers and negotiating the most advantageous trade agreements for our clients. I invite you to cooperation! Mirosław Ptasiński President of the Board, CEO We are a guarantor of business security for suppliers and recipients. Our purchasing group consists of 12 shareholders with 70 warehouses and an associate member of NORDWEST, who is also a purchasing group associating over 100 entities from the steel industry. We are one of the largest companies with Polish capital in this industry. We carry out deliveries from A to Z, and thanks to our experience, we know that, apart from the diversified portfolio of suppliers, it is equally important to diversify entities from the business environment (transport, customs agencies, as well as financial institutions and banks). Economists' forecasts dampen the mood a bit After the experience in 2008-2009, the industry is extremely sensitive to signals of recovery or weakening and reacts to it well in advance - says Marek Żołubowski from the European Steel Group. In his opinion, this year will be much more difficult than last year. How do you rate 2018 in the steel industry? Is there an upward trend in steel prices in 2019? A A We encourage you to read the entire interview We may be dealing with a global customs war President of the European Steel Group: We are facing a customs war not only with the US, but also with China.

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