Our story begins in November 2005, when Víctor González Torres, a Mexican businessman, opened two pharmacies. It was a nascent chain that, first in Mexico and later in Guatemala, generated great expectations for change in the health sector. When the pharmaceutical chains concentrated 96% of the retail here, González Torres transferred his business vision to our country, where he tried to ensure that the most vulnerable sectors had access to quality generic drugs, at low cost, with a service based on warmth. 13 years after that arrival and with more than 250 pharmacies, the benefits we provide in Chile are recognized by EVERYONE. Today, the development of Dr. Simi and his care work are the object of multiple recognitions. A series of awards Due to its value as a company committed to society, Farmacias del Dr. Simi has received first place in Corporate Reputation in the Pharmacies category, a research carried out by the consulting firm Reputation Institute, a world leader in the measurement and management of prestige. This distinction was obtained in 2011, 2012, 2014 and in 2018, a period in which Farmacias del Dr. Simi remained in the preference of consumers. It also stood out in the best reputation, products and services and best 20 multinationals categories, with no competitor in its field. As if that were not enough, Farmacias del Dr. Simi has featured in the National Customer Satisfaction Award, awarded by the private and non-profit organization ProCalidad, an initiative promoted by the consulting firm Praxis Customer Engagement and the Adolfo Ibáñez University, whose objective is to know the customer opinion regarding their relationship with major brands. In its versions of 2012, 2013 and 2014, we obtained first place in the transactional category, one where the client-company relationship is not contractual. The excellent quality of its service was the definitive reason for it to be placed in such a distinction.