Message from the CEO The transformation of the SGP - SINTRA into homogeneous groups (GITRA, GITRAMA, GEICA), viable and competitive, represents a very important opportunity for GESI-TP, which must quickly adapt by reshaping its strategy, redefining its scope of activity according to this new organization of the merchant sectors of the State, and highlighting its skills according to these three business segments: Public works Water works Building In this spirit of innovation and performance, a new organization adopted by the Board of Directors has been in force since October 2017, it aims for greater flexibility in the management of the company and this; In: Reducing the number of Central Directorates. Bringing more prerogatives to Central Directors. Expanding the decision-making sphere to Project Managers. Centralizing strategic purchases and managing splits. With its know-how in the construction of specific works such as: Tunnels, Metro Stations and Dams, GESI-TP wants to become a key partner in the field of construction. With more than 127 executives, the majority of whom have capitalized on extensive experience in the management and construction of complex works, GESI-TP is currently engaged in the realization: From a dam in Boukheroufa w.TARF, The Boughezoul Lake Development, The rehabilitation of the Beni Mered sewage treatment plant The production of a set of works specific to Bejaia. GESI-TP aims to become an essential pillar of the GITRAMA Group, notably by combining the experience and know-how of the other companies in the group, which gives a valuable advantage and opens up broad opportunities for development and acquisition of market share (inside and outside) to the GITRAMA group. THE DIRECTOR GENERAL MIRAOUI Kouide

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