Instituto Sanitas SA was born in a large house in the Brasil neighborhood. In accordance with the effervescent 1920s, a group of prominent medical professors from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, started the first clinical laboratory for research and diagnosis of multiple diseases, a clinical laboratory equipped with the implementation for the identification of pathogens and the measurement of biochemical factors. Thus, in the mid-1920s, doctors Emilio Aldunate , Teodoro Muhm , Francisco Navarro , Mamerto Cádiz , Lucio Córdoba and Alvaro Covarrubias , among others, opened the doors of the Sanitas Technical Medical Institute (April 9, 1920). Only guided by a non-profit public good function; Its primary objective was to allow greater efficiency in medical work, allowing Chilean professionals to keep pace with the progress made by biochemical and bacteriological methods in the world for the better diagnosis of diseases (glycemia, diabetes, identification of the bacillus Koch, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.). During the subsequent years and especially at the end of the 90's, the needs for expansion, physical growth, modernization and their desire to comply with the demanding standards of world quality standards ( GMP ) make the acquisition of a modern plant essential. that adapts to the new requirements to face new challenges. Sanitas once again carries out its projects now, in the Quilicura commune.