Korami trading

company was created in 2006, Korami negoce is a company specializing in production, trade and services related to the field of import-export in agro-food. Korami negoce has worked for a long time to diversify its ranges of products and services including: - Food products : Preserves (canned truffles - canned tomatoes - canned snails - canned vegetables - ... etc.), flour (soft wheat flour - hard wheat flour - biscuit flour and cakes - .. .etc.), cookies ... - Fruit products : Red fruits (strawberries- cherries- wild strawberries- raspberries- grapes- ... etc), Melon (Galia- Alma- Niagara- Dalton- Marcus- ... etc), Figs, Prickly pears, Grapes, Citrus ... - Vegetable products : Potato, Cabbage, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Cherry tomatoes ... - Services : Contractual follow-up, quality follow-up, administrative follow-up ... We bring added value to our activity by developing our services and products. A very strong bond unites our company to Africa and Europe. Indeed the majority of exports are made in Africa (Gabon, Mauritania, Tunisia, Senegal ...) and Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Holland ...) but also in America, Russia, Japan ... Since its creation, our company has succeeded in increasing its turnover firstly thanks to its seriousness and its knowledge of the market, then by developing its network all over the world.

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