ELCOME TO KUNLEARA PHARMACY. Kunle Ara Pharmacy Limited is a major retail and wholesale pharmaceutical company engaged in the sourcing and distribution of medical and pharmaceutical products in Nigeria. The Company since incorporation in 1995 started its retail and distribution business in Maidugiri, Borno State (North Eastern Nigeria) and has grown to be a leading pharmacy in Nigeria. Currently located opposite Nigeria’s foremost and biggest hospital, University Collage Hospital, Ibadan,(South Western Nigeria), Kunle Ara Pharmacy is poised to provide a broad range of pharmaceutical services at the lowest possible price to divesre customers from Nigeria and indeed, the West African sub region. At Kunle Ara Pharmacy, our vision is to become the landmark healthcare pharmacy and medium for the enhancement and improvement of medical and pharmaceutical products for the achievement of customer satisfaction. We constantly strive to achieve our goals by leveraging on our experience in the market to discover and deliver innovative medical and pharmaceutical products to our customers through direct import, private label manufacturing or local manufacturing. Reputed as the “go to” pharmacy, we offer a reliable and cost effective service to our customers.

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