ABOUT COMPANY The company Marketing Systems International spol. sro, known as MSI confectionery, is one of the leading suppliers of confectionery in the Czech Republic. Our main products are fun confectionery, such as toy confectionery, various types of lollipops and chewing gum, acid sprays, compresses, crackers, sour powders, butter cookies, baby drinks, but also jellies and batons. We also focus on seasonal items. In our offer you will find sweets for Valentine's Day, Easter, Children's Day, summer, return to school, Halloween and St. Nicholas. Unlike distribution companies, we have our own development department, which focuses on the development of fun confectionery under our own brand Sweet´n Fun. When developing products, we meet current trends and customer requirements for quality, so most of our production is free of AZO dyes and gluten-free. We make sure that our products comply with the highest quality standards and comply with food safety regulations and European Union directives. Our company is licensed by Peppa Pig, PJ Mask, Barbie, Emoji and Ice Age . We also develop products under our own licenses such as Dino, Pet Surprise, Farm Surprise, Lilly, Crackle Gum, Brain Pop, Ponyland, Cucuritos, and the new Sour Busters. Our confectionery can be found both on the modern market of international chains, as well as the traditional market in local networks, petrol stations, entertainment centers, shops, newsagents, cafeterias ... The latest offer, visit our e-shop www.msishop.cz aim is to become MSI with the number one in the market of fun confectionery. Head of MSI is based in Modřice where it is located and central warehouse for distribution in Central and Eastern Europe. The modern electronic system of warehouse management enables operative management of stocks, registration of durability and batches of products. We currently offer over 250 items.