For more than 15 years, Ingro cv (Industry Vegetables cv for short) has been the reference for the cooperative commercialization of vegetables for processing by our members/cooperatives. Ingro was founded in 2005 in collaboration with Boerenbond, Algemeen Boerensyndicaat and the REO auction. Since then we have grown into the largest cooperative of its kind in Belgium. We market the vegetables of our cooperators to almost all vegetable processing companies in trade in Belgium and neighboring countries. The fact that our members/cooperatives are not tied to one or a few customers makes us quite unique. Some of our customers are: Ardo - Agrifreez - D'Arta - Calsa - Dejaeghere - Dobbels-Pollet - Dicogel-Begro - Mandelville - Greenyard frozen Belgium - Roussel-Litaer - Horafrost - Homifreez - Verduyn - Pasfrost - Oerlemans - Bonduelle - Coroos - ..... The members of Ingro are cooperatives, which means that they are co-owners and have influence on the strategy and activities of the cooperative through the elected board of directors. OUR MISSION Our cooperative is a leading, goal-oriented cooperative driven to create added value for vegetable growers. We strive for common goals, values and principles. All this with great attention to solidarity.